产品介绍:膜盒式蒸汽疏水阀主要动作元件金属膜盒,膜盒内根据热胀冷缩原理开启和关闭阀门。广泛用于蒸汽主管线、伴热管线、干燥器和工业加热蒸汽设备系统,供热采暖片上是 理想的选择。
Introduction:The main part of the diaphragm trap os metallic the diaphragm,the valve will be opened and closed in compliance with the principle of metal expand on heating and contract on kind of trap enjoys extensive application in main pipelines,heat accompanying pipelines,drier and heating is your best choice for heating equipment.
Sreuctures: structure will facilitate maintenance.
2:All the parts are made of stainless steel with long service life and abilities to resist abrasiveness.
ent abilities to discharge gas;able to tapidly discharge water;the inatallment can be conducted in free way.
l diaphragms can be combined to serve the working places needing large fas amount discharged.
leakage,the rate of back pressure up to above75%.